Friday, April 20, 2012

My hair is too long?

I've had my long hair. My husband David loves it long. Most people would say your hair your business. My husband David is blind and loves my long hair and even calls it his security blanket. My hair is past my butt. I have triplets age 4 1/2 mos. I cut it once. I had the hair dresser take off 6 inches and he had a fit and he was mad at me. He was so upset. Do you think I should leave it alone? Any SOUND advice?

My hair is too long?

what makes him happy , makes u happy. so just leave it long, u have nothing to lose and everything to gain...his love and happpiness

My hair is too long?

I think you should leave it long but its your decision

My hair is too long?

Well if it would really upset him that much, dont do it. You want him to be happy right?

But then again, you should try and make yourself happy too.

My hair is too long?

With triplets that young I think you should get it cut shorter, tell him you love him and will grow it out again later.

My hair is too long?

Leave it.

My hair is too long?

I think you should leave it long or do what you want to do. I know your husband will understand. My hair is pass my butt too. And all my friends love it. But I want to chop off like 1 inch or 2. I know my friends will get upset but i know they will understand.

My hair is too long?

leave it alone and make a world record lol no really let it be! just brush it and stuff

My hair is too long?

If and when you do get it cut, go to another hairdresser.. anyone who would freak out over making money on a haircut is not professional.

You could cut your hair to your mid back maybe, just to make it a little easier to deal with so you don't accidentally find your hair/braid hanging in a dirty baby's diaper while youre in a mad frenzy to change all the kids lol

My hair is too long?

i think u should go for it just try to make him understand.

My hair is too long?

I think it is nice that you have kept it long for your hubby, but enough is enough. Security blankets are for babies, and if you are done with it, he needs to be too. Frankly, hair past your but isn't attractive anyway...and with 3 babies?? You need to put yourself first in this time when YOU are low on the list. He will have to understand. It's not like you are going to get it super short I assume.

My hair is too long?

Your hair should be the length that YOU are comfortable with. If you don't like it cut it, it is YOUR hair.

My hair is too long?

thats not really his choice, but if you really care, decide on a length you like and he feels comfortable with. x閳绢櫨閳绢櫨閳绢櫨

My hair is too long?

I really think you should cut it, it just doesnt seem healthy or easy with three little ones running around!! Just talk to your husband and tell him why you want to cut it, and maybe he needs to just let some of it go- it is just hair!!

My hair is too long?

I think that is much too long. Lots of problems can come from that AND it probably doesn't look that good seeing as though your ends are probably at least six years old. I say get it cut. Hair that long is not beautiful, or becoming, sorry. Tell him that you're sorry, but it's your hair, your decision and that you think that it's just too much. If he doesn't like it....oh well.

My hair is too long?

talk to him about it, ask him about how short he wouldn't mind you cutting it. when it comes down to it though, it is YOUR hair.

good luck though!%26lt;3

My hair is too long?

well its ur choice, you can always tie it up if it annoys you

My hair is too long?

you should leave the length of it but get some layers to make it look better! =)

My hair is too long?

1] it's your hair. You have to look at it, not him.

2] tactile sensation is very important to sight-impaired people.

3] triplets at 4 and 1/2 months! WOW! that's a lot of work!

Suggest a deal with your husband - you tell him before you trim or cut it, so he can get used to the idea.

I had hair to my butt, trimmed regularly.

I cut 6 inches off with the first baby.

I cut another 6 inches with the second.

Then I retired, so I wouldn't have to cut my hair any more.

It is actually less work, in my opinion, when it is at least to your shoulders - you have more styling options [ chignon, ponytail, french twist, braid, etc. ] with less prep [ blow outs, curling irons, etc. ]

My hair is too long?

If You are not happy with it and really want to then cut it.!!!

Try to make him understand In a relationship his happiness should be your happiness and Viceversa. He should understand.

because if you are not happy with it then the only reason you would not cut it is because you feel sorry for him...

If he calls it his Security blanket then he oviously is unsecure about something, i would recomend seeing a marriage counseler because sometimes The real problem is much deeper the just a hair cut.

If you dont want to go to extremes...then just talk to Him.

wish you the best.

remember love understands.

My hair is too long?

cut it dont care for ur husband about ur hair if u cant go to the bathroom with worry about ur hair

My hair is too long?

you should honestly tell him that despite the fact he likes it long, you dont and prefer it short. he needs to get over it. it must be hard having long hair and young children. just say it gently.

[[dont cut him slack bc he's blind either]]

My hair is too long?

well, it's your head, your body, your decision. HOWEVER- I personally would not make that kind of change without at least telling my husband... and if he's blind, it probably IS a bigger deal to him than to most husbands. BUT- talk to him about it. talk about how much u want to get cut off. and if ur hair is still super long, which it sounds like it is, what r u gonna do with it? consider "locks of love", an organization that makes wigs out of human hair for ppl suffering from diseases that render them hairless, like cancer. Talk to your hubby about the practicality of it all- taking care of the babies, and whatever you have to do for him. and then, if u decide to donate your locks, the good it would do for someone else. take his feelings and opinions into account, but ultimitly, its your call.

My hair is too long?

As long as it doesn't interfere with your job, I guess its OK.

I believe this is stricktly between you and your husband.

I Cr 13;8a

My hair is too long?

you could cut it like 3 inches, it will still be long=]

My hair is too long?

Dont cut your hair. Im a guy and im growing my hair long. My fiancee has NEVER cut her hair since she was born. And she does not plan on ever cutting her hair.

My hair is too long?

If you decide to cut your long hair you can sell it at:

My hair is too long?

Cut them,10 more inches...It is not got for the health of your babies...And explain to your husband that later, you will leave them, and they'll get longer than now...I suppose he loves your babies, and cares about them!

So cut them a little bit more

My hair is too long?

Do you like it long? I can't think of any good reason to cut it. Your husband is happy with it, and just as long as it's in good condition, I'm sure it's very attractive. I'd suggest keeping it long.

My hair is too long?

If you put your hair up when you are with the triplets like in a braided bun it would be easier for you and your husband will still know you have long hair. But it really is your decision because YOU are the one who has to deal with it every day. You might want to explain to your husband why your long hair is getting in the way and that it is just too hard to keep it long.

My hair is too long?

my daughter has beautiful black hair . she grows it out till she can set on it then donates it to locks of love after a while , then she does the different styles while waiting for it to grown out again, this year she donated over three feet of hair 40 inches. and it is for a good cause, maybe that would help himunderstand and accept the change once every few years. it is temporary , it will grow back and it is for a good cause

good luck

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