Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dead hair!!!!!?

I had my hair permed by a bad hair dresser and she over did it and my hair was a mess(all dry and just broke off when i touched it) i went else where and had it cut to as short as i dare but it is still in awful condition shaving my head bald is not an option!! any ideas on how to keep it looking better than fried? and any hints on how ot help it grow quicker would be helpful too as i had so much cut off im devestated!

Dead hair!!!!!?

brith control makes ur hair thicker try that.. use horse shampo it wrks 4 me

Dead hair!!!!!?

eat lots of protein :P

hair is dead protein XD

isnt it???

and wear a hat for a while or a hood

Dead hair!!!!!?

Treatments! I had a dodge chemical straightening job and I lived off cream treatments to salvage my fried hair. Go to your hairdresser and ask for a leave in treatment designed especially for dry and damaged hair. Bedhead make an excellent one if you just want to buy, but for the best product, ask your hairdresser.

I still, even after 2 years, keep up my treatment. Every fortnight, I thoroughly lather in this beautiful smelling cream into my hair and put it into a shower cap. I leave it for 30 minutes and rinse. It leaves my hair sooooo soft and sleek and has really improved the damage.

Hope this helps.

Dead hair!!!!!?

deep conditioner/ coconut oil/ hot oil

prenatal vitamins, not birth control. or just a common hair and nail vitamin, you can find them at any vitamin store.

you didnt have to pay for that perm did you?

Dead hair!!!!!?

Well honestly the best thing you can do is cut it off. All that damaged hair is letting out moisture that your newly grown hair will need. Permed hair damage is irrepairable.

Other than that, saturate your head with olive oil, wrap it in a towel, and let it sit for 30 mins (or even longer is better), then wash it out with shampoo and apply a good moisturizing conditioner (you usually don't even need conditioner after the olive oil treatment). After two, or even just one time, your hair should be less frizzy.

There's nothing you can do to make it grow like one inch in a week, but to stimulate the hair growth, do a head massage. It stimulates blood flow to your hair. i did it to mine after I shaved my head and noticed some difference in growth from the month I did it.

You can do the head massage by sitting down, bending over, and using your fingers to massage you head. Rub your fingers in a circular motion starting at the base of your neck, working foward slowly to your forehead. Then do the same thing front to back. It feels good and can reduce headaches too. I noticed feeling a little more refreshed during the day after doing it for a couple weeks, once or twice a day. Aside from that, eat healthy. Your hair is what you eat.

I know all this sounds crazy, but olive oil can do wonders as a moisturizer. I don't even use a lot of lotions and conditioners and scrubs anymore. I make my own out of natural stuff, and my skin has never been better. I don't know about protein, but there is not such thing as 'dead' hair as hair is already dead waste from your body. Really just make sure you get your essential fatty acids.

Dead hair!!!!!?

use almond / mustard oil.Apply oil at night and wash off the next morning.Also apply egg on hair with some oil in it and wash off after 2 and a half hours, atleast 2 days in a week.

Drink more water and take more proteins in ur diet.

Best of luck

Dead hair!!!!!?

Pureology is a organic line that has amazing conditiioning treatments %26amp; reconstructors! Go to a Salon to have treatment done %26amp; buy some styling products to use daily at home! This line has a daily leave in you can use along with your normal conditioner, make sure you use products with no protein %26amp; moisture filled products!

Dead hair!!!!!?

OK! im hoping the hairdresser did a conditioning treatment on you!!!! If not get one! a deep penetraiting conditioning treatment will help here, its just a service that provides a head massage and it will also soften those dry ends! Dont panic, just keep getting regular trimms and conditioning treatments and your hair should improve a little! the long term soloution is just to wait till your roots have grown through enough to cut the perm out :)

Dead hair!!!!!?

You need to have a deep conditioning mask once a week or so. You can buy a product called "Cholesterol" that is good (wal-mart) also almost every brand of shamp/cond has deep treatments as well. Something I do which is awesome is get either some mayonaisse (not light mayo or miracle-whip) or a couple egg yolks and just put it on your hair like conditioner, but put it on thick. Then put on a showercap or a plastic grocery store bag (tie the bag so that it stays put) and put it over your hair. Then get a hair dryer so that it warms up the hair, letting the treatment penetrate the hair better. Do this for a few minutes or as long as you want, rinse off in 30 min or so with a double shampoo (get a shamp for color-treated/permed hair) and finish with a general conditioner, "Infusium 23" at wal-mart is perfect for this and is what I would use in between deep treatments. You may also want to get a leave-in conditioner, good luck!

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