Friday, April 27, 2012

How do I fix my fried hair?!??!?

So I've been dying my hair black for years ( I naturally have very dark hair anyways), never a problem, I have very thick long wavy healthy hair, hair dressers love me. Recently though, I got tired of the black and decided to bleach it all out, and do somthing fun and cartoony by going baby blue, I did it, it looked great, but I decided it was just waaaayyyy too much upkeep.

But after bleaching my hair three times in two weeks, I am left with horribly fried hair!! it's awful! Can anyone suggest anything to fix it, other then cutting most of it off???? I've tried a few products, nothing is really helping yet :(

How do I fix my fried hair?!??!?

Sorry honey, there is a reason why I楹搗e posted something like this for about ten times on here already.


Of course your hair will be damaged MASSIVELY after being bleached three times in two weeks, would you people please read instructions before pouring bleach onto your scalp?

Before you mess it up even more, fix an appointment with your salon. Have a professional have a look at it and help you out, this is the only way to save what楹搒 left. Really high quality "rich" products might fix part of it, but your hair will never be the same again - unless you shave it off completely.

The damaged hair will grow out, don楹搕 worry, but it楹搇l take its time. Cutting at least some off will make it easier and quicker, but really, have a professional do it, he/she will easily detect how much is still left and worth saving. :)

Good luck - and sorry for the harsh words. =)

How do I fix my fried hair?!??!?

Use conditioner!

How do I fix my fried hair?!??!?

OK, leave it, and let your hair dresser fix it. You'll just mess it up if you try and fix it.

How do I fix my fried hair?!??!?

STOP BLEACHING IT!!! Get it cut,deep conditioned,wash it,don't blow dry it,wash it with a mixture of shampoo and olive oil. Trust me! IT WORKS!!!

How do I fix my fried hair?!??!?

What on earth were you thinking, are you trying to go bald? Tut tut missy. First of all keep away from the bleach and any other dye for the moment. You have over processed your hair and it has lost all it's natural oils to protect it.

Invest in deep intensive hair conditioners for damaged hair, heat protective spray (if you use hair irons or a blow dryer), hair serum and leave - in conditioners to nourish your hair.

Drink plenty of water to rehydrate it because you've basically zapped it of all it's health, try to eat lots of fruit and veg too. Holland and Barrat do great vitamins for the hair, and they actually work.

For the moment treat your hair with care and let it dry naturally whenever possible, try to avoid products with alcohol in them, they won't do it any good in it's present state.

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