Tuesday, May 1, 2012

OH MY GOD HELP ME please!!!?

im a guy and have been growing my hair for a year now. i used to get it trimmed every six weeks. but i noticed that i only have four inches of hair in a years growth. so do trims slow down your desired hair growth process. i always tell my hair dresser to only cut off 2 or 3 weeks worth of hair and it looks alot more than that because i look at the hairs that she cuts off and seems like a half inch or even an inch. so is she cutting of more than i told her to. thanks. please answer.

OH MY GOD HELP ME please!!!?

1] this is not an OMG question

2] tell her to trim the EXACT amount you want trimmed off - if you go every two months, and get 1/4 inch off, that will only be 1 and 1/2 inches a year.

How is she supposed to know how much all her clientshair grows in 2-3 weeks?

An inch is approximately one finger joint on me, but I have very small hands.

3] if she doesn't follow directions, switch hairdressers

OH MY GOD HELP ME please!!!?

she is cutting too much..tell her a trim quarter of an inch no more...better yet go to a different stylist...

OH MY GOD HELP ME please!!!?

Yeah, she is trimming too much. A lot of stylists are guilty of this. Just get a trim every 2 months. Tell her to only trim a half inch. If you notice her trimming too much, just politely tell her to to only cut less.

OH MY GOD HELP ME please!!!?

I agree, go to a different stylist.

Trims do not slow down the growth of your hair, you should get a regular trim between the 4 to 6 week period, it really helps your hair grow and gets rid of any split ends.

Hope that helped :) good luck

OH MY GOD HELP ME please!!!?

well, theres this product which actually made my daughter's hair longer..

we go this health site for an eczema product- and saw a hair growth product- so took a sample.

said an oil used by geishas- anyhow worked on my daughter's really short ahir - could see a difference in 1-2 weeks , hers is very very short and they said you can see difference in short hair fast- also tried on her eyelashes- arent daughter's weird - and they actually grew longer

its at www.katuri.com

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