Monday, May 7, 2012

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

My 3 year old son needs hair cut. Everytime he gets one it's pure hell! Most salons won't cut his hair; they start and about 2 minutes later. They're like "we're sorry but they're nothing we can do with him!" He sits still for the most part but he screams and cries "leave me alone!! NO!! I don't want a hair cut!". He's almost 4 years old and its getting a bit ridiculous. He's never had any kind of bad experience with a hair dresser. So I'm not really sure what his deal is.

Any Ideas, tips, or advice please!!!!!

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

My son used to do that for all his hair cuts until we got a really really good lady one day. As soon as we sat him in the chair he was screaming. She pulled out 2 suckers and said we're going to play a game. She gave him one to eat right then and had him hold the other one under his chin to keep his head tilted down. He got that one also if he could keep it there. For the next few haircuts I gave him a sucker right when they started, and now he doesn't need it. He sits really well and actually enjoys haircuts.

If that doesn't work, try to cut it at home. Eventually he will get used to it.

Good luck.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

He's probably just nervous or scared, my daughter gets like that at times with things like that. Its a phase. Have you tried cutting his hair yourself? maybe he'd relax a bit.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

You may need to learn how to give him a trim yourself , until he matures . Some kids stay in their "terrible twos" for five years .

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

I have 3 little boys who don't like hair cuts either. I finally just went out and bought the kit and now I cut their hair myself. They were still scared for a little while, but it's easier to calm them and distract them at home. Now they all actually enjoy it to a certain extent.

Good luck!!!

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

Buy some hair cutting shears and fabric tape or the specially-made hair cutting tape. Put it on his hair when it's dry (it peels right off without hurting or sticking in the hair). It will help you cut it yourself in a straight line. If he won't sit still for you, then put him in time-out until he does. Once he will behave and get a haircut from you without fussing, then you can take him back to the salon. Salons can be scary because they are bright and loud and usually stinky because of perm chemicals. He will probably be a lot more comfortable at home.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

I don't know where you live but see if there's a Cool Cuts for Kids around. They're a little high, but it's worth it. They let the kids watch a movie or play video games while getting there hair cut. My son is only 2 and was the same way until we started going there. He loves watching a movie.

Good Luck!

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

kids will do anything for rewards. reward him

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

my step son is 3 1/2 and is a nightmare to get his hair cut. at first i would give him smarties to calm him down but now my b/f just shaves his head at home. and he is a lot better. he has such thick hair that is we dont keep his head shaved he gets craddle cap and it covers his intire head.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

If his deal is being afraid of haircuts, letting him show someone having a haircut-- like you, or his siblings may solve the problem. If his deal is wanting to keep the length of his hair, then don't make a big difference with his hair. A little trim will be fine. Then maybe for a few weeks do another trim then after a few weeks trim again, keeping it gradual for him not to be surprised and uncomfortable. Also show that it will always grow back, probably by taking a picture of someone in your family after having a new cut, and another one months after the cut, letting him see the difference of the growth.

Don't worry, this issue will surely pass as he grows :)

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

Maybe you could find a mobile hairdresser, that way he's still his own environment and may feel more comfortable. Remember to tell him exactly what will happen and ask if he has any questions he would like to ask. Find out what is upsetting him. Give lots of praise and encouragement. Maybe you could reward him if he is good.Eg, special meal, toy, or maybe a sticker.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

Look in your phone book for children's hair cut places. They can typically work with your child, after all it is their specialty. I take my son to one and he does pretty good. They usually have them decorated more toward kids and the kids find it fun.,

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

I have a 4 year old who has been getting haircuts since he was 5 months we didnt really have a problem. I noticed that when the clippers were turned on and moved towards his head we would begin to cry... I asked around and was recommened to something called the peanut... it is very quiet and gentle to little heads, now my baby has no problems with the monthly trim, he actually looks forward to it. I dont know how much it costs now, mine was a hand me down that still works, but was a great investment.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

I have a 5-year-old son and he HATES having his hair cut!

The easiest way to cut hair is to break out the electric razor. At least with boys you can NEVER cut it too short! LOL

Electric razor, plenty of time on your hands, and lots of patience!

Also, cut it as short as you can stand it...the more time it takes to grow out, the better!

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

Conair sells a comb that has a blade in the teeth. It has 4 lengths of teeth for 4 lengths of hair. All you have to do to cut his hair is run the comb through it. The trick is learning how to angle it and get it all the right lengths. It's called the Conair hair trimmer.

Good luck.

Hair cut HELL!!!!!?

try in front of his favorite movie/show with a snack - he may be distracted enough for you to get in a few snips

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