Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

few months ago i went to cut may hair until shoulder but the hair dresser make more short until neck coz im having split hair problem.my family member angry with because of this.i dont know what to do.as i know my hair never grow eventhough i tried aloot of hair stylish product. im worried about this and always get scold from my family because of this.i hope someone who proffesional on hair beautician can help me.maybe you'll can give me some advise what should i take to make my hair grow healtier within in 2 months times. type of my hair is wavy hair. please help me

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

check out a product by nutrlite called hair skin and nails! i used this stuff for my wedding and my hair grew so much faster! you can also take a good multi vitamine which will also help your hair grow faster! you can get hair skin and nails by nutrilite at www.vherr.qhealthbeauty.com!

and get more info about nutrilite at www.nutrilite.com

good luck i hope you find what you need!

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

give it a beer bath

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

Prenatal vitamins - you can get them at walmart

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

Biotin. It's next to the B complex vitamins at the store. Works for my hair, nails, and skin.

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

Take vitamins regularly, especially vitamin E.

Eat jello (it contains gelatin, a substance that helps promote the growth of hair and nails)

give yourself a scalp massage.

And don't over wash your hair, outer treatments don't work as well as inner treatments.

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

Vitamins help a lot get a good all purpose vitamin

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

I took cosmetology and I have a sister who is a cosmetologist. My hair is healthy, wavy, and waistlength.

I wash my hair every two days, making sure to condition it EVERY TIME. I leave the conditioner on it about 5 minutes (make sure you get it all over the ends really good) before I rinse it off.

i take multivitamins daily...Centrum and Viactiv...

I try to do a conditioning treatment on my hair weekly, however, that doesn't always happen...I think that you should make it a point to do that, though, since you are having problems.

You should get your hair TRIMMED every 3 months. That helps keep split ends away.

I also almost never use product on my hair. One in a while I will use mouse (Paul Mitchell). That is it! Most are very bad for your hair and help contribute to breakage.

Hope this helps.

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?


What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

Vitamins are essential for proper hair growth. For healthy sebum in the scalp we require vitamin A. Graying and loss of hair is arrested with the intake of Vitamin B6 and B12. Keratin is produced by Biotin and hair follicles are kept healthy by inositol. Panthothenic acid and Para-amino benzoic acids are also beneficial. These vitamins are present in fruits such as lemon, pineapple and strawberry and in vegetables such as potato.

Nowadays there are products containing the required vitamins and nutrients that can be applied externally like oils and shampoos; or there are tablets that can be taken internally to enhance hair growth.

What should i take to make my hair grow longer?

any thing w/ lost of protein also try this method helped me alot

well when ur younger ur hair grows nice n faster b/c of the exercise n deit u've grown up with...i had the same problem u have i use to have long hair down where my bra strap is and i choped it to ear length and it took awhile to grow back...but now its past my clavical...took 2yrs to find the best way to grow it back...what i do is i use oil base condionter n shampoo and precondition my hair b4 i wash it like hot oil treatments or put cond. on the ends of my hair then i wash it and i leave a lil put of cond. on the ends to keep it perfect from the heat n also from brushin it like crazy..i also take prenatal vitamins which help b/c of the folic aicd and vitamin b...also just trim the ends where u see a split end not to much just enough so it won't go ne higher...if u try this method it should help the hair to come back nice b/c i told my friend the same thing n she can't stop tellin me thank u

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