Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

Okay so I have been going to the same hair dresser for about 2 years. Well last year when I went in December to get my hair cut he gave all of his customers a bottle of wine. So my question is should I get him a small gift for x-mas when I get my hair cut and is so what can I get him that is not a stupid gift or cost to much money. He is a male about maybe 25 to 30 years old. He is married and has 1 kid and 1 on the way. Please help

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

A gift would be nice but is not mandatory. I agree with the pic frame or gift card ideas. Maybe you know a store or restaurant he likes or wants to check out. You give him cash all the time (tip) you could give a bigger tip if you'd like. I say stay away from something for his kids and wife. Get him a gift for himself. You can give a baby gift when it comes or something for the wife on their anniversary.

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

How much to you want to spend? Get him one of those 2 person movie packets so he can take his wife to the show. Or a restaurant gift certificate.

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

I think you should get him something and to be really nice buy his son/daughter a present to. it will show him that you like kids.

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

hmmm thats a tuffy but yeah u should get him a gift. that was very giving of him to get you a bottle of wine. im not sure what you could get him tho but just look around the one thing that pops up in my head they have little funny statues about hair dressers. he could put it on his desk and will always think of u! lol

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

A gift card/certificate.

Never goes bad.

It what I give the girl who cuts my hair.

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?


Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

It's wonderful to get Christmas gifts from your clients, especially those who are regulars, you've built a relationship, you put yourself in his hands regularly, it never hurts to make sure you know where your bread is buttered, LOL. A picture frame that would fit nicely at his station for the baby's picture once it's born would be nice, or a family type gift, gift certificate to dinner.. tell him he should take his wife out before they have to deal with the babysitter thing, or a nice set of picture frames for their house, you know him by now, and should have an idea as to his style, just go with it.

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

you should get him a Box of Chocolates because thats not to big or to small.

Christmas present help needed PLEASE?

I would give him cash. That's customary.

However, if you don't want to do that then perhaps really good chocolates or a magazine subscription (something that you think he might like, so many out there nowadays, could buy one magazine copy off the newstand and then a certificate to let him know that he'll be receiving it monthly), set of beer glasses, set of shot glasses, suduko electronic game, etc.

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