Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Mother-in-law said this....?

My mil made this comment to me. She said that her daughter hair was longer than mines. Which is very untrue. I am mixed with Indian. I have really black hair. I told my mil once that when I was in school I sat on my hair.She could not believe this. My aunt persuaded me to cut my hair and I somehow let this happen. Besides this my mil wants me to go to the same hair dresser that she does. She even sometimes makes comments to me about my hair and how she likes how it moves when I walk. Why is she this way? Should I be concerned?

My Mother-in-law said this....?

I doubt she is anyone to worry about, take the compliment and thank her next time she says something like that. When she mentions hairdressing, start to tell her how amazing your hairdresser is and how she should join you, and see how fast she stops.

Perhaps she is looking for something for the two of you to do together, have qa think and when she does it again, suggest an alternative.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

maybe she likes your hair and wants her hair to be like yours...

My Mother-in-law said this....?

sounds like she is just admiring ur hair. take it as a compliment alot of girls would kill to have hair as pretty as urs sounds!!

My Mother-in-law said this....?

Ignore her comments. The only person you have to please is yourself. If you are happy with the way it is leave it alone.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

Whats the Problem?

My Mother-in-law said this....?

I don't see a problem. If you don't want to go to her hairdresser, don't go. Why does it matter who has longer hair?

My Mother-in-law said this....?

You need to be thankful that you have a mother in law like her if this is the only issue you have with her!!!

Concerned about WHAT exactly?? I wish I had the time to care about hair length and hairdessers!!! Wow.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

Mothers in law can be cruel. I had the worst! Her son and I were married for twelve years before she past away and she never once had a nice thing to say to me. One time she even came over unannounced and started opening her sons mail.

I don't know why they are the way they are sometimes, but I never let it bother me. As long as your husband loves you (and your hair) don't let her bother you. Don't try and suck up to her, then she'll feel like she is in control. I think thats alot of it, to have control. Best of luck!

My Mother-in-law said this....?

It is best to be yourself, the way you want for you. Only you can decide for yourself. You should not be concerned because if you choose to be yourself, nobody can do anything.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

MOther In Law,some is pain in your back most of the time. What you have to do,explain to your spouse gently,they tend to get sensitive when you talks about they mother. Try to get the fine line so as not to hurt the family. Get your own opinion. Say you like it but you prefer this....Object or reject with politeness. Don't let her control you,but you should always respect her.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

by all means if ur happy with the way ur hair is then dont worry about what others think or say to u ,,,,,i sure dont and i have long hair ,i only cut it very little when i want to

My Mother-in-law said this....?

You really need to get a handle on the situation with your Mother-in-law.

Stand back and take a deep breath. You are letting so many things bother you for little or no reason.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Once again she is giving you a compliment and you turn it into a bad thing.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

You should be more concerned about why you are making a big deal over something so trivial. I would hope that you have more going on in your life then to argue with your mother in law %26amp; be upset over who has longer hair.

My Mother-in-law said this....?

i think that you are letting her get to you even if she doesn't have the intention. don't read into things as much.

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