Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I have split ends, help???

I got my first wavy perm in February of 2006, but the perm didn閳ユ獩 work very well because my hair got straight in about 2 months.(I followed the instruction my hair dresser gave me so I did do everything the right way). I went back in October to re-due my perm and this time we used a stronger product and it worked. But now I have terrible split ends. I cut my hair about 4 times since the perm (including 2 weeks after the perm) but they are still coming back and my hair is breaking and always looks messy. Ii have even tried avocado and conditioner and no results. Is there a product someone can recommend? I really had beautiful and health hair, I used to never even put gel or moose in it and it always looked silky. Not anymore.

I have split ends, help???

Hi there! This is Amarech.

Wow I can totally identify and sympathize with you. The best thing you can do for your hair right now is moisturize AND strengthen. You just put your hair through a harsh chemical process and now it's very weak. Protein re constructors can counteract some of the damage caused by chemical processes. The best ones are by Paul Mitchell or K-Pak. Be sure to buy them only at a reputable salon or beauty supply to ensure quality. You should get an intensive re constructor and one for everyday/frequent use. Combine that with the already excellent job of moisturizing that you're doing and your hair should be back to gorgeous in no time!

A word of caution: Follow the directions exactly. Leaving a re constructor on too long will cause your hair to become brittle.


I have split ends, help???

well the easiest way to go back to the way your hair used to be is to stop getting perms. but if you don't want to do that, use a leave-in conditioner on top of your usual one. and for your regular conditioner, i recommend dove intense therapy; it always makes my (bad) hair look silky. you could also try a hair mask. and get your hair trimmed every six weeks to keep it in good shape.

I have split ends, help???

Ok well now ya know no more perms. I don't know any products but you can ask somebody who specializes in hair styling and cutting for a good pruduct.If you do decide to get another perm or something done like that to your hair put soothing milk by frescia in it and then after you get it done go home and give it a nice deep condition.

I have split ends, help???

well go down and have it trimmed one more time.

every morning wash and conditioner it several times.

ask your salon if they know a product to help with major split ends. they should be able to help.

next time, dont get your hair permed, just use a curling iron. get an intense heat, well known one. it may be expesnsive, but you wont have to pay all this money because of split ends.

in the long run, it will help out. :))

I have split ends, help???

The only way to get rid of split ends is to cut them off. The question would be, why do you keep getting them? What are you doing to your hair now? Are you using a blow dryer or other heat appliances on your hair? If so, you need to stop it and let it air dry. Your hair can't handle all that, what with the perm, and heat styling. You would still need to put gel or mousse in it because perms mornally look frizzy without something in it, but just because it is frizzy doesn't mean it's damaged, it's because of the texture of the hair. My hair is permed, but I have to put something in it to keep the frizz away. My hair is not damaged,it is healthy and soft, but the texture makes it look frizzy without something in it. If you don't like gel, I like the Silk Therapy or Citre Shine serum, I put it in while my hair is wet and let it air dry. Don't put too much in or it will look greasy.

I have split ends, help???

Well this will sound gross but it does work....

Mayo...Put it in your hair like a mud mask on your hair and let it sit for like 15 mintues and rinse it out and WASH it of course.....

My mother always use to do this to our hair as kids...we had it bad as kids and were always poor and just not was her quick fix and I do remember my hair always being so soft afterward.

Its nice little cheat!

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