Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How do I care for relaxed hair?

I'm really confused. Is my hair *permanetly* relaxed?! i was looking questions up on here and people said you have to cut off your hair to get your natural hair back! Can I grow my hair while relaxed? it's seems to not be growing.

I also recently discovered that you're suppossed to WASH your hair while its relaxed. I never knew that! I've had my relaxed hair for almost 2 weeks now. Should I wash it with some kind of special shampoo? I usually wait 3 weeks then wash my hair and it goes back to it's original state.

Please answer my questions! I know NOTHING about hair care, and I don't have a personal hair dresser. My mom knows nothing about hair either(she wasn't born in the US). If you don't know what relaxed hair is, don't bother answering this please.

Thank you to those who reply! :)

How do I care for relaxed hair?

Why not just shave your head, that would be wicked

How do I care for relaxed hair?

You need to wash your hair when you get it relaxed... its just like having regular hair... except yours is smoother and straighter.

I would recommend using Pantene Pro-V Smooth and Sleek 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner. I think that is what its called. It works really well with relaxed hair!! I don't recommed shampoo that helps curl or straighten your hair... they don't work well with relaxed hair. Any shampoo that is just smooth and sleek or something like that... should work well.

NO!! you don't have to cut your hair off to get it back to normal. When you get your hair relaxed... it only lasts for about 3 months... usually.

But you need to wash your hair every other day or every 2 days... don't wash it everyday unless absolulty necessary.

I think I answered all your questions.... if you need any more help don't hesitate to e-mail me...

Good Luck!!!! :)

How do I care for relaxed hair?

you can wash your hair now. and yes you have to grow your hair out to get you natural hair back.

this link has alot of info

How do I care for relaxed hair?

If your hair is permanently relaxed, it should not wash out. The hair that grows in from the top of your hair is not relaxed and probably will have a much different texture. It is true that you would have to cut all your hair of to have totally natural hair, because there is no way to unrealax you hair, but most people just wait for a new head of hair to grow in.

As for caring for your relaxed hair, you definetly want to wash your hair, but no more then every other day. This is because relaxing treatments are VERY drying. I reecommend using a mostuizing shampoo and conditiner and also using a leave in comditiner once a week. Or you can just put regular conditiner on your hair, wrap it in plastic wrap, and blow it with the hairdryer for a while. ( insted of a leave in). You also need to be very carefull when using heat tools on you hair ( hair straighners, curling irons, blow dryers) because your hair is already dried out. I reccomend using a heat protectant. ( i like avedas product- forget exactly what its called.)

You cannot dye relaxed hair because your hair will litereally like burn off your head.

PS. Your hair is probably gorwing, you just think its not because the ends are breaking. Once again, this is from the drying effects of the relaxing treatment.

Good Luck =]

How do I care for relaxed hair?

I have been getting my hair relaxed for 12 years and it is a pain. My hair has never been the same since the first time i did it in 6th grade. I tend to wash my hair at most every other day otherwise it dries out and it gets skuzzy looking. As far as a special shampoo, im not sure. I just use my regular shampoo but im sure you could find something that could maybe stretch out the relaxer longer, im not sure. And my hair doesnt seem like it grows for awhile after i get it relaxed. In fact my stylist told me six months after i had it done she could still see the same cut she did and it was exactly the same as it was when she cut it. The only difference was my ends were all jacked up form my flat iron LOL. And it depends on what kind of relaxer they used when they did it as far as if its permanet.

I dont know im not a hair professional or ne thing i just know what i go through. I hope you find your answers!!!

How do I care for relaxed hair?

the hair u have already relaxed is permanant. Ur hair will still grow n then u will have to relax the new growth. DONT RELAX UR WHOLE HEAD AGAIN!! It'll make it split. U can grow ur hair bac natural, but u will probably have to cut off all of the relaxed hair, n it may not grow bac the way it was first. I wash my hair every week and a half, but u shud wash it when u feel like it needs washing, but not more than once a week. Make sure u DEEP CONDITION it. I leave my conditioner in for hours and use a shower cap (jus to be safe) U shud get conditioners w/ glycerin in them ( to lock in moisture ) N keratin (to protect and rebuild ur hair shaft). u shud also get a leave in conditioner w/ the same things.Make sure u keep ur hair "wrapped" @ nite...get a satin or silk wrap cap n a satin or silk scarf, make sure ithey feel silky n arent coarse, b/c that will break off ur hair. U shud get ur ends trimmed about every 6 weeks, n only perm ur new growth about every month and a half to two months (depending on how fast ur hair grows) try not to overlap ur perms b/c that can cause breakage too. N if u have any other questions, jus ask :)

How do I care for relaxed hair?

1, you have to keep your hair moisturized, relaxers tend to rough up the strands and dry it out... I use aloe gel mixed with water and a bit of oil for my ends and water based oil lotions.

2. you have to keep the scalp clean, shampoo at least 1x a week, and every other day just use a moisturizing rinse out conditioner.

3. Condition it, you'll need three types of conditioners to use on alternating days. One is a protein reconstructor for 2x a month, another is a deep for once a week, and the third is a moisturizing one for every other day.

Your hair grows with a perm, you'll start to see new growth within another two weeks.

Read a few hair care magazines, look up a few websites on how to style it in a wrap so that it won't revert to its curlier state.

The shampoo you will need is a gentle conditioning shampoo, I use Creme of Nature or Paves, I love both.

best of luck

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