Wednesday, May 2, 2012

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

Okay..I just sort of noticed this now..but my hair is shorter(not like bald or anything..just significantly shorter) on the side I sleep on the most(the right side..and a bit toward the back- on one side)..I am not completely sure that that is why but am almost certain because the other side is just fine and my hair isnt damaged or anything. I had just cut my hair last year because it was damaged then and now its grown back but now I have this problem. I went to the hair dresser's the other week to get the ends trimmed and the hairdresser is the one that told really made me pay attention cause she pointed it ou to me..she also said I needed to go to the hair salon more often(I do my own hair mostly) to get possibly get it fixed. Has anyone else ever had this problem before? Do you think am going to have to cut all my hair to start over or..??What else can I use to help that part grow back? Please help! I really dont want to have to cut my hair AGAIN...:o(

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

More than likely, your hair is shorter on one side of your head because the friction from your pillowcase is causing breakage. This has happened to me before (you're not alone). My stylist told me to tie my hair in a satin wrap each night. Unfortunately, I do not have the patience for that sort of thing. Instead, I now use a satin pillowcase as opposed to cotton. It has worked wonders. Also, it is important to get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Your hair is in a fragile stage right now, so I would recommend going to the hair stylist every 2-4 weeks for deep conditioning and extra TLC. They might need to layer your hair to even it out, but you should be able to salvage most of the length. You'll get through it!

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

stop using your head for a pot scrubber

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

Hair today......gone tomorrow

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

make sure that you use a satin scarf or pillow case so that hair won't pull.

African American: My hair is shorter on...?


I'm not sure that the sleeping on the side thing is the reason but your hair just doesnt magicaly get shorter...

I have the same problem but my reason is from chemicals being in my hair ,think abouyt the last shampoos you used and were there any chemicals put in your hair.

Maybe you do need to see a professional

But the thing whith being black is that you gotta be careful who you see for your hair and about your hair.

best of luck =]

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

You don't have to cut your hair again, I am not african american but I have hair very similar, it is hard because people think I'm mixed but i'm not it's just how my hair is! But anyways, take biotin! It will make your hair stronger, the vitamin isn't expensive at all I get mine from Walmart but any drugstore probably has them. Is it possible for you to sleep on your other side? If so maybe try to change it up.

Also, use some deep conditioner once or twice a week and massage your scalp. It will help the blood flow in you scalp which will help your hair grow a little faster. But I really would suggest taking that Biotin. And I don't know if you wear extentions at all, but I used to have weave and I am so happy I took it out because now my hair is growing much faster, so if you are really trying to stick with your natural hair don't get weave.

But you are right, you might want to go to the hair salon a little more often just try to stick up for yourself if they want to cut off too much. Good luck girl

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

You do not have to go to the salon more often just to grow your hair back. The proper maintenance and hair care products can do this for you. has some very good tips. For me my hair has ALWAYS been longer on the right than the left as well as the back. My hairstylist tried fixing this problem but it always grows longer on one side than the other.

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

It could be that you hair is damaged or dry.

sleeping on your hair when its damaged can make it worse.So you should cover your head with a scarf.You should go get your ends trimmed and start moisturizing your hair when you get a chance.the effort you put in it the more you'll get out of it.

African American: My hair is shorter on...?

As you have no choice, trim it every 6 weeks to give your face a neat look.The hair dresser will handle the thinned hair on one side. It is not a problem at all. You are not the only person having this problem. Dont ever cut all your hair to improve the condition. It is a wast of time and will cause you embarrassment. All the best.

I have thin hair in the middle of my head. It is no sign of balding. I had it this way since my child hood. I always have a boy cut and it suits me.

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