Monday, April 16, 2012

Help bad hair!?

so I (like most women) hate my hair....however I really think I'm justified! I have curly, dry, fine, thick hair. At the moment it is shoulder length and I straighten it daily. While not offensive, it's really really boring! I've always been too chicken to do anything with much style to it, because I'm afraid the texture of my hair will ruin the style. To make matters worse my usual hair dresser doesn't know jack about cutting hair (although I tell her every time I want LONG layers....she totally butchers it). So today I got brave and made an appointment at this really fancy salon for a consultation and cut on Saturday. Now I'm scared though! Did I make a mistake??? I don't know what to even tell them I want when I get there! Any suggestions?

Help bad hair!?

look at magazines.... lots of them and fine one you like even if it is a little too crazy... just have fun with it this time you will probably like it and even if you don't it will grow out!!!... GO FOR IT

Help bad hair!?

If you think it's too thick, you should ask them to use thinning scissors to make it look a little thinner. Depending on your face shape, side-bangs might be cute. I have them and like them. Basically just tell them honestly what you want it to look like. You could find a picture on the internet of a celebrity who has pretty hair and bring it to them.

As for styling, if you keep it curly, try using some mousse or gel to keep it from getting frizzy. You kind of have more control over it with some kind of product.

Hope I helped! :D

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