Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

I was wondering if it is "lame" to bring in a picture of what kind of hair cut you want. Do hair dressers think it is dumb or is it helpful?

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

No! It's not dumb at all! Hairdressers really don't mind either way; it's mostly to your advantage because there are no misunderstandings and you get the cut and style you want.

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

definately take a picture with you, then the hairdresser knows exactly what you want :) sometimes it can be hard to describe things and there could be mis understandings and you might end up with an awful haircut.


Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

ya..definitely..if u want a particular haircut u can tell them n if that doesnt suit u they'll suggest u a beter one

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

I always bring the pictures. It is extremely helpful to bring pictures because then you have to sit there and describe the hairstyle to them when you can just show it. It saves you and them the trouble and frustration. So bring in the picture and show it to them.

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

Honestly, they have books and magazines in the salons. I don't think they feel it is dumb at all. You are giving them an idea of what you want, and that is a good thing!

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

it is helpful u shouldnt feel "lame" bringing one in then the hair dresser has some thing to work off of

Do hair dresses appreciate it when?

Being a hairdresser, I always like it when someone brings in a picture of the hairstyle that they like. If I feel it will not be a hairstyle that looks good on them, I try to explain in a tactful way... such as, "This cut is a little dramatic, how about leaving it a bit longer until you are accustomed to the change." or "Changing your hair color purple? How about a temporary color instead of a permanent color to make sure this is what you really want."

Never think it's lame to know what you want! If the hairdresser seems uninterested in your picture or ideas... find another hairdresser. Good luck with the new you! Kim

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