Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blonde walks into a salon...?

wearing headphones and listening to something on a walkman. A hair dresser says, "Hi, I am Cindy, you may take a seat in my chair and i will get right to you. But ma'am you need to take off your headphones in order for me to cut your hair." The blonde shakes her head.

Blonde: "I can't. I just cant take off these headphones."

Cindy: "Well i am sorry ma'am but you may take a seat and when you are ready, take off your headphones and i will get to you."

Quite a bit of time passes and the blonde falls asleep. Cindy goes over to her, takes of the headphones and begins to trim the blondes hair. When she is finished, she leans over and gently shakes the blonde to wake her... Cindy shakes her a bit harder. Still there is no response from her.

Cindy: "Ma'am, wake up, i am finished with your hair... Ma'am... Ma'am!!!!"

Nothing happens and Cindy goes and checks if she's breathing and her heartbeat... nothing. Cindy puts on the headphones and hears "Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in..."

Blonde walks into a salon...?

oh well, another "breathless, beautiful blonde" bites the dust!" Hope poor Cindy isn't PERManently WIGged out about it all!

Blonde walks into a salon...?

not tha funny but i liked it

Blonde walks into a salon...?

thats funny.

Blonde walks into a salon...?

i need reminding myself some of the time!!!

Blonde walks into a salon...?

very cute. i like blonde jokes. this one made me laugh.

Blonde walks into a salon...?

I've heard that 1 before lol, I like it lol

Blonde walks into a salon...?

That so funny!!!! How did you come up with that?

Blonde walks into a salon...?

pretty funny!!!!lmao(lol)

Blonde walks into a salon...?

Ha Ha she died! You people are sick, sick I tell you. Poor woman. And think of the PTSD that Cindy had.

Blonde walks into a salon...?

lol that's funny

Blonde walks into a salon...?

Ha Ha! Funny! 10/10!

Blonde walks into a salon...?

Pretty good blonde joke...........LOL

Blonde walks into a salon...?

lol i liked it

Blonde walks into a salon...?

that is great

Blonde walks into a salon...?

LOL!!!this SERIOUSLY cracked me up im still laughing!! did u make this up yourself? if so your great 12/10. im going to pass this to ppl i know (once i figure out how to)

Thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!

Blonde walks into a salon...?

That is so offensive to me as a blond.

It's F-ing hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blonde walks into a salon...?

that joke is old. i heard it in the 2nd grade!

Blonde walks into a salon...?


Blonde walks into a salon...?

love it !

Blonde walks into a salon...?

That is so funny. (roflol)

Blonde walks into a salon...?

Ha ha.

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