Monday, April 16, 2012

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

i spent years dying my hair, washing my hair everyday, getting a perm (even though i didn't need it), blow drying, straighting my hair with a flat iron, cheap shampoo, etc... so you could already imagine my hair. it never passed my shoulders well today my mom took me to the salon to cut my hair and the hair dresser cut all my damaged hair off and left the natural part off my hair, i love being natural but i miss the length of my hair. i was crying because i have only 3 inches left? and then my mother said"Charina if you keep crying your hair will never grow" is that true????

and can you give me hair growth tips. thank you all in advance and sorry that this is long.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

u have a pretty name :-)

NE ways, no thats not true, but u probably shouldn't have done that to your hair.

The only tip i know is to put braids in your hair when u go to bed. Oh, and don't do all that stuff to your hair at all anymore.

Good luck!!!!

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

o lord woman .... ur mother didnt mean it literally ..

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

That is a complete lie. What does crying have to do with hair growth? NOTHING. Cry all you want.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

That is not true. She just wanted you to stop.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

i don't know any hair grow tips but no, your hair growth does not depend on weather or not you cry.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

ummm no that's not true.

my best tip is to not damage your hair that much.

don't dye it all the time and cut back on washing your hair do it every other day.

get really good shampoos like Pantene ( which has vitamins in it) or Matrix.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

That's a lie. Unless your stressed out.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

Yeah that definitly isn't true but I think the best shampoo I used when I stopped dying my hair and wanting length was Tresemme. The Patene left it oily all the time cause it doesn't wash out easily. Right now my hair is to the middle of my back.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

That is not true! And it's great that you got back to natural after all those changes. Your hair might take a while to get back to being long enough so just have fun with clips, twists, and maybe try some short braids to pull it back without having ends stick out. Experiment with colored colored hair gel if you still want color. I'd cry too if my hair was cut above my shoulders (it's always been longer) and we've all done our fair share of crying so my hair (past the middle of my back) is proof. Go nuts with it and then enjoy the fresh length!

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

no its not true but all the things you were doing to ur hair will make it not is some tips......wash 3 days a week don't blow dry it don't straighten it don't do any thing to it but wash it

the best shampoo to use herbal essences

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

Your mother was gust trying to make you stop caring.That's all it was.

My mother told me if i cry my hair won't grow?

Sometimes, Mothers speak without thinking. No, it is not true that your hair will not grow if you cry. Now, if you want your hair to grow and stay in good condition, you need to take care of yourself. Stop the dyes and blow drying. Stop the flat iron too. Washing your hair daily is not going to damage your hair, you just need to condition it once in awhile too. There are vitamins you can take that can help the look and feel of your hair and can help it grow. There are also some oils that help keep your scalp in good condition. Check out WebMD and see what you can find.

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