Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

that you want hardly anything off the length.

everytime i go i say i dont want alot off but then they always cut more than i want off.

what is the best thing to say to them?

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Honestly if you have told them before and they haven't listened, you might need to find someone else to cut your hair. Obviously they aren't listening or don't care what you want. But if you do go back, tell them you just want the dead ends cut. MAKE them show you how much they are going to cut before they cut it so you can agree or disagree. Have a good day!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

tell them you want the dead ends off

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

I only want you to cut what is absolutely necessary to keep my hair healthy... I love the length of my hair, and I'd be devastated if it was too short.

Works like a charm, everytime.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

I always say I just want the ends "tipped" - I don't want to see any hair on the floor - be specific - works for me!

閱匡付鍎查喛?br> ~Missy~

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Don't say an inch or half an inch, show them using your fingers.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Bring a picture, usually when they have that they are pretty accurate on how to cut it. Or just say you want dead ends off.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

While He/she is cutting it take note of what is a good length for you..Let he/she know when to stop. Just say "That's a good length" remember you can always cute more but can't put more back on!

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Apparently you are not making yourself clear. Are you going to the same place? Tell them before they start, and tell them you have been unhappy when your hair was cut previously. You are paying for a service that you should be happy with.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

tell them you want only 1 inch off the length. then they know that you reallly mean that you barely want any hair gone!

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Show them exactly how much you want off.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

just trim off a quater inch plz

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Tell them exactly that, point it out to them and tell them that you really don't want it any shorter than this (motion) length. If they start cutting shorter, don't just sit there and be quiet, remind them, and if they refuse, then call the manager up. Or maybe it's your hair dresser.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

actually specify how much you want off. show them with your hands

How do you tell your hair dresser...?


How do you tell your hair dresser...?

if u go to someone new. Before they start, have a real chat about the past cuts and be very clear with them of what u want. If they do what u want, give a nice tip (15% or more) and keep going back to them.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

I'd like a trim.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Tell your hairdresser that in the past they have taken off more length that you wanted and if they take off more than you want this time, it will be the last. Tell them you will find a hairdresser that will LISTEN to you and do what you want done. There are plenty of good hairdressers around that listen to their clients needs.

I did this to my hairdresser and she never cut too much ever again.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

tell them to just cut off the split ends or you could jsut say trim it and actually show them by holding some of your hair and show them how much you want off of it.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

tell them u only want the split ends cut off, which is usually no more than an inch.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Specify an exact length for example: 1/2 inch

or you could just go to a barber shop with better stylists LOL

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

You have to hold up your hair and show them exactly where you want it trimmed up to. If they take more than that, find a new hair dresser. I have long hair and have had lots of problems with this happening. You have to find who you are comfortable with and respects your wishes.

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

Just tell them that you want your hair trimmed in length, and watch them so you can tell them if they start to take too much off!

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

i do hair and i think the most important step in any service is a consultation...some are afraid to do consultations cuz it involves alot of repeatition of questions and answers that might make them come off as if they don't know what they are doing. i think its great to make sure my clients show me what their "inch" is or their "auburn" is because everyone is different. next trip i would make sure that you yourself show the stylist what you would like to see come off. just be aware that she is the professional and she may feel that for your hair you may need more off...some people are more prone to split ends, thats where i believe that the client gets upset. she has your well being for you and your hair. you are a reflection of her work and she is and should be commited to your satisfication 100%. she should be able to give her professional recommendation and then you the client make the decision because in the end it is your hair. if she still doesn't understand before the service begans tell her your concern...honesty is the best policy! if she still get scissor happy then look elsewhere for a stylist! : )

How do you tell your hair dresser...?

make it even

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