Monday, April 16, 2012

How can I get my hair grow faster?

I am 30, and I have decided to get rid of the punky fun hairstyle I used to have. ( almost like Pink's). I have very thick hair and it seems to take for ever to grow. It is just above my shoulders. Now after like 6 months. I take vitamins, spent like 60$ on shampoo and I brush my hair often, Is there anything I am missing. I am in the bad grow out stange and everyday I keep myself from going to the hair dresser to cut it all off again. Any suggestions.. Even styles would help me get through this.

How can I get my hair grow faster?

1.put rosemary oil in ur hair or coconut oil

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=]



How can I get my hair grow faster?

This is gonna sound stupid, but I've read that if u massage it a lot when u put on shampoo it gets better circulation to it. even weirder- I've read that if you hold ur head upside down for a little while every day it gets better circulation. altho that sounds incredibly unrealistic.

How can I get my hair grow faster?

Im into natural solutions and one is to vigorously massage your scalp everyday. (good for waking up too) I hear that it stimulates the follicals to quickly produce. I did this for a while and did notice a difference! also eat very well. when the body has pleanty of vitamins and nutriants it will grow stuff out faster :)

How can I get my hair grow faster?

to grow your hair faster,at last of your hair you should cut using the shampoos u can't grow your hair.

How can I get my hair grow faster?

my sister took pregnancy vitamins and her hair grew like crazy! (she wasn't pregnant)

How can I get my hair grow faster?

Massage with Rosemary infused oil. Check out Weleda or Avalon products. Also, take prenatal vitamins, high in b vitamins. Try Rainbow Light or Nature's Plus. Or hair vitamin formula, they have b's, but also silica and other important nutrients.

How can I get my hair grow faster?

take a multivitamin!


this may sound strange, but i have been since may 17..and my hair has prolly grown an inch!! believe me!!....

--'s way good for your health!!


How can I get my hair grow faster?

i know actually how you feel just go to the local beauty supplied store and buy some wild grow or go to your local hair salon and ask them for there best hair growing merchandise

How can I get my hair grow faster?

Eating lots of raw, uncooked spinach! It's loaded with vitamans hair loves! Stop spending $60 on shampoo, and just look for ones that have Vitamans D, E, and aloe added. Finally, don't brush your hair "often". Studies have shown this weakens your hair and makes it more 'lackluster'. Run a Brush through your hair before and after you shower, and then when you wake up, and JUST to get out any tangles and bedhead. Period. End of Story.

How can I get my hair grow faster?

This may work:

-Massage your hair while putting shampoo on. It will make space and place for new hair to grow in.

-Eat a lot of protein and caltuim.

-Brush often.

-Also do not forget to get the right shampoo for your hair.

-If these don't work then you should see the doctor and ask him about it.

Hope I helped. If I did make me ya best answer. Anyway good luck!

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